We want to introduce you to Pastor Curt and his family! Open up to read more about their family.
Stories ::: Light of Hope for our Path
There are times in our lives that it feels like we are losing.
It could feel like the world is caving in around us. Even though we are surrounded by loved ones, friends, and coworkers… we still feel all alone, without hope. We feel that no one can understand. We feel that we can handle it, but we know that we simply can’t.
All of this uncertainty and pressure leads to anxiety. It’s an unending feeling of hopelessness that is often sensed as an abnormal and overwhelming sense of fear. It’s often accelerated by the self-doubt which impacts your capacity to cope with what’s happening. It will often create this downward spiral.
Stories ::: The Emerge(ing) Journey - Part 3
After a refreshing time in the Caribbean with the family, we came back and said our goodbyes and off to the new sales career and rest. Well, we thought it was to rest…ha!
We started thinking about what to name the church (click here for that story) and then applied with the state of Indiana, purchased a website, and then it felt as though we were off to the races. There were a number of hoops to jump through for registering the church name, filing the 501c3 paperwork, opening bank accounts, etc.
Stories ::: The Emerge(ing) Journey - Part 2
India. Not the first place in the world that I thought I would go to visit. However, it’s where I saw God at work in a whole new way. It was a place where God worked on me in a whole new life.
We had been traveling for many hours and completely wiped out. We crawled into our hotel rooms and had early wakeup calls to catch our shuttle to head to the slums. We were heading to a school where the kids are provided with a meal and a uniform. The school teaches them plus they learn about Jesus by learning/reciting scripture and songs.
Stories ::: The Emerge(ing) Journey - Part 1
I have spent all of my life in the Church since the day I was born. I attended a small Church in Frankfort, IN where on any given Sunday up to 50% of the Church attendees were my family members. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 6yrs old during the bedtime events of reading and praying with my mom, Jennifer.
Antioch Congregational Christian Church is where I grew up and never missed a Sunday all the way through High School…..