Stories ::: It Started With Prayer

Do you believe that God still hears and answers your prayers?

::: We do! :::

Do you believe that God can still do miracles? That it’s not just simply stories from the Bible?

::: We do! :::

You see, it all started with prayer. The journey to start Emerge began with bold prayers. Ok, not only bold prayers but quiet time journaling, reading the Bible, and lots of coffee (ha!).

Spending quiet time in study, reflection, and prayer is the best way to slow down to hear from God. It’s during those times that you can remove the distractions of the everyday, turn off those devices, and settle in. It doesn’t have to be hours at a time, but it needs to be good quality time.

Specific times of the year devoted to prayer and fasting were integral in this journey. This focus brings the clarity needed to specifically hear from God in His WORD (Bible), through His people, etc. God speaks in many ways to you and me … if we are listening.

The key to hearing and knowing it’s God speaking (and not the Mexican food from last night) is to know His Will, His Heart, and His Desires for you and me. You will grow the closest to Him through the reading of His Words in the Bible. That’s where you can see HIStory played out so you can know His Will for you.

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matt 21:22

The above verse is taken out of context oftentimes. God will not give your every whim and desire; He will grant only those things that align with His will and plan for the Kingdom. So, when you know His Heart and Will for you, you can pray bold prayers knowing that it’s within His Will.

That’s what took place as we started Emerge. We began the process of prayer in the realm of knowing God’s Will. During 21 days of prayer and fasting, we specifically asked God to send people to us to confirm that we were to start Emerge without us asking one person. Within 10 days, God had sent 37 people to us asking if we were starting or leading a church. Additionally, another 100 people came to us in those 21 days of prayer. Wow, 137 people that God specifically sent to us to carry His message.

We began praying bold prayers:

  • for financial coverage … and He answered the next morning!

  • for a sound system … and He answered the next morning!

  • for confirmation to move forward … and He answered the next morning!

  • for key leaders to surround us … and He answered!

  • for talented people to help us … and He answered!

There is no denying that God is answering prayers left and right to send us on this journey. There isn’t a day that we haven’t had doubts but we continue on out of obedience to what He has called us to do. What’s emerging is something amazing and beautiful … it’s a great ride so far and we just started!! I hope you will join us on this journey!