As followers of Christ, it’s important that we are continuing to grow in our understanding of scripture so that we can continue to learn more about God’s Heart, Character, and so much more. It’s through our learning that we are able to apply to our lives as we strive to grow our roots deep down into Christ.
For 2024, we are suggesting the following plan as a church for us all to be on the same page. 😉
We are looking forward to reading through the entire Bible in it's ancient literary order (The TaNaK order). This order helps us view the overarching story in a different light and is how Jesus would have read it. In this plan you will read the Old Testament in the TaNak order, followed by the books of the New Testament.
Bible Recap with Tara Leigh-Cobble :: Complete the Bible in 1yr Chronologically with a great option to download and listen to her podcast for each day.
Old Testament in 1yr :: The Bible Project provides videos and insights as you complete the Old Testament over 1 year
New Testament in 1yr :: The Bible Project will walk you through the New Testament over the next year.
You can download the reading plan by clicking here that we covered as a church in 2022. The blog posts down below give you a breakdown by day with some links to video overviews of the reading.