Have you ever taken the time to simply look at the sunset? You may be in the mountains, on a beach, or in the cornfields of Indiana … but the sunset will rarely disappoint. It’s so amazing to see God’s work on display as you close out the day. It’s comforting to be able to see it all in the beauty and wonder of it. You can just get lost in its beauty but it sometimes fades too fast.
The pace of our lives these days are way too fast … this pace leaves little room for us to truly see and embrace what’s happening right in front of us. We can simply ignore the items or not even notice them until they are in the rearview mirror.
Take a moment to think about how God’s showing up in the midst of your life. We can often overlook these modern-day miracles to see that God is clearly at work. What can you think of? When did it happen? Did you see it and give Him the glory for it in the moment?
For many of us, we don’t see God in the midst of it .. but it happens all around!
We want to celebrate those moments and to bring light into what God is doing! As we’ve started Emerge Church, God’s been abundantly present. Below you will find some examples of what God is/has been doing:
Generous Resources - God is the God of All Resources … He’s provided in unbelievable ways!
Miraculous Healing - Two accounts of those that we’re praying for have been miraculously healed
Clear vision - God will reveal many things in visions (dreams) to Pastor Curt about what’s going to happen in the future.
Mountains Moved - What initially appeared as major mountains, God easily moved them out of the way
People Moved - Pastor Curt & Emily didn’t tell one person … but God did and sent the people to them
We will continue to tell of what God’s doing in/through Emerge and in our lives. We will boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus! We will continue to tell of the stories and share in greater detail what God has done in the past, current, and in the future, until the whole world knows!