Stories ::: The reality of accidents


There is a constant battle going on that we can’t see. The results of this battle can be seen in multiple ways — in victories and losses.

Have you ever had an accident that truly didn’t make sense? Did it leave you scratching your head?

If you are a Christ follower, you were never promised an easy road. May believers think that life is to be golden and easy once they put their trust and hope in Jesus. If you look through scripture, you can see many people from Adam & Eve to Job to Jesus who all experienced spiritual battles.

Nowadays, we, as believers, are more likely to either overly tout or nonchalantly push aside the aspects of spiritual attacks. However, the Bible tells us to be aware…

'Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. '

1 Peter 5:8-9

These spiritual attacks can come in the form of a accidents and that’s exactly what happened to Cole.

Cole’s accident was a spiritual attack. We put him through a myriad of medical testing that all returned showing he was a healthy young man. Nothing showed up … nothing, nada, zilch, zero.

How do we know it was a spiritual attack? …we were working on advancing the church along that night. We had just received approval from the IRS with our 501c3 authorization letter! We were going to be sending out letters that evening to begin our fundraising as we started the church. We were hoping to catch the year-end donations.

Our plan was to send out the emails and letters after our family Christmas…. and then, Cole’s accident!

In the midst of it all, we had His peace that surpasses all understanding … God showed up and showed out! Miraculous healing of Cole … extravagant gifting of funds, food, help, etc … and we pointed others to Jesus. You see — God got all the praise for it. He used it for His Good … and we are grateful for it!

Curt Edmondson